its the F1 BABY!! singpost closed at 6 on a weekday so my parents literally sped off to causeway point after work. when we asked for the tickets, they came in a box. A BOX! so after that the excitement was sky high. we went to eat at crystal jade and i tore the box open like some ADD kid ripping his x'mas prezzie a the stroke of midnight. for the memories to come...the much awaited tickets in a very supicious box. does this count as a suspicious article??

wtm an empty box! they wasted lots of tape on this. hard to open. talk about going green.

supicious looking dvds?

tada! lanyards for each day! i wonder if the walkabout tickets are already this elaborate, how about those grandstand ones?? patiently waiting for 26 sept (:
wow! wowwow! WOW!!!
F1 is here already for you, I see.
Keep your self healthy too with my blogsite till 26 sept and more F1 races too,
it is here
from F1 (Food 1st)
bye. hope to see more about F1 updates here too.
Luck girl, get to see real live F1 races.
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