something is not right with me, whenever i turn on my notebook im automatically glued onto the pages of facebook, livejournals, gossip blogs and other stuff that just help me procrastinate. work loses its meaning and all my priorities are screwed up. is it just me or is this a global phenomenon? the internet is seriously taking over our lives in more than one way! so what is it that gets us so addicted to it like some serial weed smoker and his pot of smoke. firstly, let me confess that i am a almost hard core facebook addict. yes, there is it, ive let is off my chest. i love playing the games on it, twirl, jetman, crazy taxi, poker etc. the list goes on and on. gossip blogs, the name explains itself. who doesnt love a bit of gossip every now and then, especially when it concerns your favourite celeb? finally, the livejournals! all hail the livejournals! well i wont consider myself as a lj addict as much as im a fb addict, cos i know of a few people who are hooked onto lj more than i am. but anyways, recently ive been purchasing stuff online and ive been loving it. and here's the main purpose of the post...
Runway Bandits X'mas Giveaways at is pretty awesome (: im getting the artyflare for meself (love the quirky-ness)
oh and early happy christmas!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
i know that the deadline is over but this post doesnt have anything to do with comms. i desperately needed to vent and despite my original complaints about doing this blog, i find myself stumbling back here. oh well. so here goes, 3 roaches in 2 days is totally not reasonable! roaches as in c-o-c-k-r-o-a-c-h-e-s. the most ultimately disgusting thing that keeps invading my home. it seriously ruins the morning for you. it also scares the shit out of my and my mum. ok so we stay in a hdb but i swear that our house is squeeky clean, my mum clears the garbage bin every night. we have a part timr cleaner who helps clean our house once every week. and in between my mum uses the magic clean dry mop thingy to sweep the floor. so why do they still insist on coming??? call me unreligious/disrespectful but i blame all the burning. i know its the 7th month and i know they have the burn all that paper money. however, i think that all that smell is driving those roaches into people's homes. even roaches can't stand the smell. what other reason could there be? within the first 6 months of living in this new home of ours, we hadn't had a visit from mr yucky roach. until now. and 3 roaches in 2 days has gotta break the guiness world record. so please mr roach, stop invading us!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
influence - good or bad?
What comes to mind when I mention the word media? Celebrities? Not quite, I actually mean newspapers, magazines, television, radio etc. Even the Internet is a media form. But what I want to focus on are tv programs. Does it brainwash the people? Does it create desires, or does it merely gives us what we want? Does it instill values, or simply reflect what is already existing?
I believe that people nowadays (when I say people, I really mean teens who are so easily manipulated) let the tv programs influence their lives way too much. They incorporate the character's personality traits, eating habits, dressing into their own lives. Well this may be a good thing, but not when the characters on tv are always blown out of proportion. With the producers tendency to showcase the 'bad' side of people, teens get the perception that it is somehow the 'right' thing. That it is ok to make the tiniest matter the world's business. That it is ok if someone's day gets ruined because of a scandalous rumour spreading. That it is ok to have sex at sixteen. Let's be honest with ourselves for a while, life is often boring and monotonous, seldom does drama come into our everyday routines. So how on earth can it be 'right'?
Maybe I am going at it too harshly. Perhaps the media does some good. After all, without the media exposure given to us on a daily dosage, we wouldn't be so informed about the culture of other countries. As Singapore often imports foreign tv productions, we get a glimpse of life there through our tv sets. And being informed is a good thing, it helps in conversations, our perception of things etc. Even if we don't get to see them on tv, the Internet is another useful source to rely on for entertainment. Sex and the City, Desperate Housewifes, Cashmere Mafia, Gossip Girl, Ugly Betty, Dirt. These are just some of the tv programs that cause such a phenomenon. Both in a good and bad way.
People crave drama in their monotonous life, thus the success to such shows. The characters are always so extreme. The beautiful, rich girl always takes your breath away. The poor, ugly girl always bring disgust. Well I guess that whenever we watch tv, we just have to remind oursleves every now and then that what we see on tv is fake. Everything is fake, exaggerated to some extent to make the show more interesting.
So go on and watch your favourite tv show, just bear the above pointers in mind and don't let the media brainwash you!
I believe that people nowadays (when I say people, I really mean teens who are so easily manipulated) let the tv programs influence their lives way too much. They incorporate the character's personality traits, eating habits, dressing into their own lives. Well this may be a good thing, but not when the characters on tv are always blown out of proportion. With the producers tendency to showcase the 'bad' side of people, teens get the perception that it is somehow the 'right' thing. That it is ok to make the tiniest matter the world's business. That it is ok if someone's day gets ruined because of a scandalous rumour spreading. That it is ok to have sex at sixteen. Let's be honest with ourselves for a while, life is often boring and monotonous, seldom does drama come into our everyday routines. So how on earth can it be 'right'?
Maybe I am going at it too harshly. Perhaps the media does some good. After all, without the media exposure given to us on a daily dosage, we wouldn't be so informed about the culture of other countries. As Singapore often imports foreign tv productions, we get a glimpse of life there through our tv sets. And being informed is a good thing, it helps in conversations, our perception of things etc. Even if we don't get to see them on tv, the Internet is another useful source to rely on for entertainment. Sex and the City, Desperate Housewifes, Cashmere Mafia, Gossip Girl, Ugly Betty, Dirt. These are just some of the tv programs that cause such a phenomenon. Both in a good and bad way.
People crave drama in their monotonous life, thus the success to such shows. The characters are always so extreme. The beautiful, rich girl always takes your breath away. The poor, ugly girl always bring disgust. Well I guess that whenever we watch tv, we just have to remind oursleves every now and then that what we see on tv is fake. Everything is fake, exaggerated to some extent to make the show more interesting.
So go on and watch your favourite tv show, just bear the above pointers in mind and don't let the media brainwash you!
Friday, June 27, 2008
i couldn't resist documenting
its the F1 BABY!! singpost closed at 6 on a weekday so my parents literally sped off to causeway point after work. when we asked for the tickets, they came in a box. A BOX! so after that the excitement was sky high. we went to eat at crystal jade and i tore the box open like some ADD kid ripping his x'mas prezzie a the stroke of midnight. for the memories to come...

tada! lanyards for each day! i wonder if the walkabout tickets are already this elaborate, how about those grandstand ones?? patiently waiting for 26 sept (:

the much awaited tickets in a very supicious box. does this count as a suspicious article??

wtm an empty box! they wasted lots of tape on this. hard to open. talk about going green.
supicious looking dvds?

Thursday, June 19, 2008
high low
gosh two posts in one day!i must be going bonkers
ok so my mum came home from work and was telling me about her colleague leaving the school over dinner. brief background information, my mum is a teacher at an international school, thus her colleague is also a teacher. let's call her Mdm B (she's french), since i'm not going to name names here. now Mdm B is rather well liked in the school so naturally people are quite sad that she is leaving. one of the other teachers, Mr H, decided to have a little farewell piano recital for her. the students would play some songs. when it ended, Mdm B was touched and she personally thanked one of the students, S. S is a 7 year-old Japanese girl. her response to her teacher's appreciation was going up to Mdm B and poking her nose, while saying "you have a long nose!" for god know's what reason. if you weren't close to someone and they made such a remark to you, i'm sure you would have been insulted. however, i digress, i was rather taken aback by her lack of politeness around her teacher, and the fact that she was just so direct. perhaps she's kid, thus explaining the nature of her behaviour. but she's also a Japanese, and aren't Japanese suppose to be of a high context culture? while her behaviour seemed to lean on being a characteristic of low context culture.
low context culture has great importance on the spoken word, while high context culture has subtle cues as part of their communication. high context culture sees explicit communication style as rude and insensitive, while low context culture sees indirect communication style as tricky and deceptive.
is this an indicaiton that the new generation is going to revolutionize our world and make the majority of the population be of low context culture? but then again, perhaps kids are just being kids, you can't change who they are. at least not yet.
ok so my mum came home from work and was telling me about her colleague leaving the school over dinner. brief background information, my mum is a teacher at an international school, thus her colleague is also a teacher. let's call her Mdm B (she's french), since i'm not going to name names here. now Mdm B is rather well liked in the school so naturally people are quite sad that she is leaving. one of the other teachers, Mr H, decided to have a little farewell piano recital for her. the students would play some songs. when it ended, Mdm B was touched and she personally thanked one of the students, S. S is a 7 year-old Japanese girl. her response to her teacher's appreciation was going up to Mdm B and poking her nose, while saying "you have a long nose!" for god know's what reason. if you weren't close to someone and they made such a remark to you, i'm sure you would have been insulted. however, i digress, i was rather taken aback by her lack of politeness around her teacher, and the fact that she was just so direct. perhaps she's kid, thus explaining the nature of her behaviour. but she's also a Japanese, and aren't Japanese suppose to be of a high context culture? while her behaviour seemed to lean on being a characteristic of low context culture.
low context culture has great importance on the spoken word, while high context culture has subtle cues as part of their communication. high context culture sees explicit communication style as rude and insensitive, while low context culture sees indirect communication style as tricky and deceptive.
is this an indicaiton that the new generation is going to revolutionize our world and make the majority of the population be of low context culture? but then again, perhaps kids are just being kids, you can't change who they are. at least not yet.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
be an individual
You know that feeling, when you're a newbie in some situations, say a freshman in school. So many new people, so many different cultures. Culture here doesn't exactly mean race-Chinese/ Malay/Indian etc. The culture here refers to a particular group's collective answer to fundamental questions like "who we are" and our "template for living". You try your hardest to change your previous habits and routines to fit into your discovery of this group's culture. Finally you fit perfectly in your new culture and settle as a member of the group. Later you become on such good terms with the group that you may even rise in rank/status within the group and move form a new member to a full member. But what if that culture isn't a good one?
I was reading this article in Seventeen magazine (July issue), just a few minutes earlier, about glue-sniffing. It was a feeling as simple as wanting "to feel like one of the group", that cost this girl Charlene* a rehab stint. Yup, that was how bad her situation was. Well it wasn't elaborated how "hellish" her life was for an entire year, but I think we can all imagine. Glue-sniffing is considered an illegal substance. When the addiction goes out of control, the side effects include - loss of control of the body, cramps and pain, vision nad learning difficulties, tendency to bleed and bruise, memory loss, permanent brain, liver and kidney damage. Regardless of how much pressure you were under to pick up this horrible addiction (as far as I'm am concerned, NO is not that hard to say), would you really risk such stuff just to be accepted into the group? Are humans so weak in nature that we always succumb to the herd-mentality? Is there anything wrong with being an individual - unique in all it's glory? We all have our fair share of cliques at some point of time, and we choose to hang out with certain individuals instead of others. But sooner or later you'll come to realize your own identity, your true self. You don't necessarily have to fit into any group, but you will share a culture with them. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. For example, off the top of my head, a singer - Jason Mraz and a author - Lauren Weisberger are different. They are obviously not of the same gender and will most probably have different behaviours, though not necessarily because of their gender. But ultimately they share a culture of being interested in arts - lyrics and writing, respectively.
So I say, ditch that mentality of I-must-fit-into-a-group-because-its-the-right-thing-to-do. Just be yourself, don't do something that's not what you'd normally do. Be an individual.
I was reading this article in Seventeen magazine (July issue), just a few minutes earlier, about glue-sniffing. It was a feeling as simple as wanting "to feel like one of the group", that cost this girl Charlene* a rehab stint. Yup, that was how bad her situation was. Well it wasn't elaborated how "hellish" her life was for an entire year, but I think we can all imagine. Glue-sniffing is considered an illegal substance. When the addiction goes out of control, the side effects include - loss of control of the body, cramps and pain, vision nad learning difficulties, tendency to bleed and bruise, memory loss, permanent brain, liver and kidney damage. Regardless of how much pressure you were under to pick up this horrible addiction (as far as I'm am concerned, NO is not that hard to say), would you really risk such stuff just to be accepted into the group? Are humans so weak in nature that we always succumb to the herd-mentality? Is there anything wrong with being an individual - unique in all it's glory? We all have our fair share of cliques at some point of time, and we choose to hang out with certain individuals instead of others. But sooner or later you'll come to realize your own identity, your true self. You don't necessarily have to fit into any group, but you will share a culture with them. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. For example, off the top of my head, a singer - Jason Mraz and a author - Lauren Weisberger are different. They are obviously not of the same gender and will most probably have different behaviours, though not necessarily because of their gender. But ultimately they share a culture of being interested in arts - lyrics and writing, respectively.
So I say, ditch that mentality of I-must-fit-into-a-group-because-its-the-right-thing-to-do. Just be yourself, don't do something that's not what you'd normally do. Be an individual.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
so i was having a lovely buffet with my family today and there was laksa. i don't eat laksa cos its too hot for me (low tolerance of spicy food). since it was a buffet, obviously you have to at least try one of every dish they're serving to break even, so my aunt and cousin took the laksa at the same time. my aunt ate it and said it was yummy, better than average. my cousin ate it and didn't nod in agreement, instead he said good laksa was wasted on him as he couldn't really tell the difference. but in the end as a joke he said it was nice too. "wonderful" even. then when i got back and started revising group communication, i wondered if this counted as groupthink, illusion of unanimity? Illusion of unanimity is when a member in doubt believes that everyone else agrees with the group's chosen decision/conclusion/action. Well this happened within family so i don't think its the perfect example for this but i guess you could somehow relate it to the actual meaning.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Those of you who play The Urbz: Sims in the City (this xbox game) you'll know that in order to gain status and progress in your relationship with the other people in the game, all you have to do is some moves/trick/stunt that that particular person loves. It could be the skate trick/ pub song/ air guitar/blow fire (as shown in the photos above) etc. When you do that, there will be some yellow stars (again,shown above) above your character's head and person you're interacting with, indicating that the relationship is progressing. If you insult the person, the stars will be red. Keep having yellow stars and your relationship with that person will level up sooner or later. But that can only happen in reel life! In real life, things aren't as easy as that.
According to the Knapp Model of Relational Development, there are five stages of forming and developing a relationship, and there are five stages of breaking and ending a relationship.
stage 1-initiating stage 2-experimenting
stage 3-intensifying
stage 4-intergrating
stage 5-bonding
Basically you start off first by choosing who you wish to start a relationship with, and you initiate conversation. Have small talk and later increased commitment and physical contact.
Then you tell the world that you are a couple and eventually formalises obligation and commitment by marriage or something like that.
stage 1-differentiaing
stage 2-circumscribing
stage 3-stagnating
stage 4-avoiding
stage 5-terminating
The relationship turns sour when frequent conflicts occur. Then there is a shrinking of relational interest and commitment. And the absence of joy and excitement that was once there. Then you avoid one another all together and eventually end it.
Sustaining a relationship with someone isn't an easy task. You may see each other everyday and yet you may feel that you have less and less things to talk about each time. You may even choose not to meet up anymore, coming up with excuses for being busy. Ignoring their text messages, calls etc. The feeling or joy and excitement disappears too. Before you know it, you may be falling apart. This is when you can see each other daily, let alone a relationship is long-distance. When you don't see the other party, almost all nonverbal communication cease to exist (refer to previous post for more info :). the relationship could become boring and as you meet new people, there is a temptation to leave your partner in the dark and carry on with you life without them. Infidelity may take place. But can you really blame yourself for wanting someone that you can reach physically instead of waiting on someone who isn't there? After all, the human mind responds to the senses. No doubt with today's technologies, long distance relationships are becoming easier to maintain. All you really need is tons of commitment from both parties. You need two hands to clap, the same thing applies here. It may not be easy, but its do-able. If only life was as easy as the SIMS.
photos from:
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
nonverbal communication
So yesterday we were having comm. quiz on nonverbal communication. Did you know that there are 8 types of nonverbal communication?!ok let me try and break it down for you... ps those of you who are my classmates-must thank me, im helping you recap!, those of you who are new to this-hope you'll find this useful :)
#1 kinesics-this includes all the body movement/gestures/language eg-hugging your friend to show that you miss/love etc him/her
#2 paralinguistics-this is all sounds that convey meaning eg-giggling/yawning
#3 chronemics-this is regarding time orientation eg-ppl in phuket(comparatively slow-paced life) will see time differently as compared to ppl in hong kong(fast-paced life)
#4 artifact-objects eg-the lady carrying the gorgeous new Marc Jacobs bag will give the impression she's well off$$$
#5 oculesics-this has to do with your eyes, eye contact eg-winking provocatively at some hot guy "wink-wink"
#6 haptics-touch eg-Spongebob puts his arm aorund Patrick's shoulder to console him
#7 proxemics-any kind of space, territorial, spatial arrangement eg-Blair doesn't want to sit with Jenny, so she puts her bag on the empty seat beside her
#8 physical appearance-appearance lor eg-this lady walking down the street in knee high boots, fishnet stockings, micro-mini skirt, tube top, full make up will give you the impression that she obviously doesn't work in an office
I never knew there were so many types of nonverbal communication. However, learning about these made me think about something. Without talking, you could still be sending out many signals etc, we all have basic understanding of that. BUT what if you didn't intend to??? Does it mean that the next time you find yourself in a conversation, you have to pay additional attention to the nonverbal signs you're sending? Wouldn't that be so tiring? Imagine having to be aware of the 8 things mentioned above, while chatting with friends. Maybe not even chatting with them face-to-face, maybe just on MSN.
After giving it some thought, I think I wouldn't be able to keep up with all that. I would just give up after a while. Besides I don't think it's worth the trouble. People who know you well enough will know the true you and won't bother judging you for just every single thing you do. Who cares what other people think of you. To hell with them. As long you you're happy, everyone's happy, then we can all just go live in our happy house and live happily every after!
#1 kinesics-this includes all the body movement/gestures/language eg-hugging your friend to show that you miss/love etc him/her
#2 paralinguistics-this is all sounds that convey meaning eg-giggling/yawning
#3 chronemics-this is regarding time orientation eg-ppl in phuket(comparatively slow-paced life) will see time differently as compared to ppl in hong kong(fast-paced life)
#4 artifact-objects eg-the lady carrying the gorgeous new Marc Jacobs bag will give the impression she's well off$$$
#5 oculesics-this has to do with your eyes, eye contact eg-winking provocatively at some hot guy "wink-wink"
#6 haptics-touch eg-Spongebob puts his arm aorund Patrick's shoulder to console him
#7 proxemics-any kind of space, territorial, spatial arrangement eg-Blair doesn't want to sit with Jenny, so she puts her bag on the empty seat beside her
#8 physical appearance-appearance lor eg-this lady walking down the street in knee high boots, fishnet stockings, micro-mini skirt, tube top, full make up will give you the impression that she obviously doesn't work in an office
I never knew there were so many types of nonverbal communication. However, learning about these made me think about something. Without talking, you could still be sending out many signals etc, we all have basic understanding of that. BUT what if you didn't intend to??? Does it mean that the next time you find yourself in a conversation, you have to pay additional attention to the nonverbal signs you're sending? Wouldn't that be so tiring? Imagine having to be aware of the 8 things mentioned above, while chatting with friends. Maybe not even chatting with them face-to-face, maybe just on MSN.
After giving it some thought, I think I wouldn't be able to keep up with all that. I would just give up after a while. Besides I don't think it's worth the trouble. People who know you well enough will know the true you and won't bother judging you for just every single thing you do. Who cares what other people think of you. To hell with them. As long you you're happy, everyone's happy, then we can all just go live in our happy house and live happily every after!
Thursday, May 29, 2008

She doesn't really seem to have an expression, neither happy nor sad. I always think models have this "blank" expression when they're posing. But if you look real careful and appreciate the art of taking such a shot, the model's eyes tell it all. Tyra could be considered an expert in this area, hence her title "supermodel". Oculesics are nonverbal meanings conveyed through your eyes. I think Tyra here is playing coy. But if you look at the first picture (a few photos of Tyra), you can see all the different emotions showed through different smiles.
The 1st is the "flirting with the boyfriend" smile. The 2nd is the suprise smile. The 3rd is the smile with eyes only. The 4th is the catalog smile. The 5th is the commercial smile. Lastly its the smiling without the eyes. Like i said, the eyes say it all. You can tell that the last smile isn't as sincere as the 3rd one. And even though Tyra isn't actually smiling in the photo, her eyes are smiling. Now that is art. As she always tell her girls in Top Model, you've got to smile with your eyes! Be FIERCE!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
We’re all guilty of it, judging someone by his/her looks.
We’ve come across people who sit by passageways holding out a tin can. Some of these people may be simply begging for some loose change, however some may be busking for it. Where do we draw the line? It’s easy to think that anyone with some form of collection "cup" for money is a beggar. We are so used to it that sometimes we don’t even bother to look the second time. Completely oblivious that this person might be doing something out of choice. The beggars are doing it for whatever reason which makes them think that they have to resort to such means to make ends meet. The buskers on the other hand are really just doing what I like to call the spreading of love. They come in all forms, singing some karaoke version of a famous ballad, playing the harmonica, the er-hu (this traditional Chinese instrument) etc. Music isn’t the only genre. Most people, including myself, are usually in such a rush they just walk past them. But have you ever stopped and listened to one of these unexpectedly talented people?
I had the chance to do just that. I was waiting at the Bukit Batok Interchange for my bus to come, the usual run-of-the-mill stuff. The passageway linking the train station and the bus interchange is bound to have one or two people either giving out flyers or busking. I normally just glance and walk ahead. But since I was waiting nearby, the sounds form the buskers traveled well. The harmonica was playing some well-known tunes and I found it music to my ears. The music module I’m taking must be taking its toll on me. I never expected to enjoy music from buskers that much. That little experience really brightened up my day.
We can choose the way we want to perceive things, but sometimes its all part of our environment and culture. We can’t help it. All I’m saying is the next time you meet someone new, don’t let stereotypes bombard your way of thinking. Don’t let the perception of one type of humans affect your future perception of other fellow humans. Just like how we shouldn’t let our perception of beggars affect out perception of buskers.
We’ve come across people who sit by passageways holding out a tin can. Some of these people may be simply begging for some loose change, however some may be busking for it. Where do we draw the line? It’s easy to think that anyone with some form of collection "cup" for money is a beggar. We are so used to it that sometimes we don’t even bother to look the second time. Completely oblivious that this person might be doing something out of choice. The beggars are doing it for whatever reason which makes them think that they have to resort to such means to make ends meet. The buskers on the other hand are really just doing what I like to call the spreading of love. They come in all forms, singing some karaoke version of a famous ballad, playing the harmonica, the er-hu (this traditional Chinese instrument) etc. Music isn’t the only genre. Most people, including myself, are usually in such a rush they just walk past them. But have you ever stopped and listened to one of these unexpectedly talented people?
I had the chance to do just that. I was waiting at the Bukit Batok Interchange for my bus to come, the usual run-of-the-mill stuff. The passageway linking the train station and the bus interchange is bound to have one or two people either giving out flyers or busking. I normally just glance and walk ahead. But since I was waiting nearby, the sounds form the buskers traveled well. The harmonica was playing some well-known tunes and I found it music to my ears. The music module I’m taking must be taking its toll on me. I never expected to enjoy music from buskers that much. That little experience really brightened up my day.
We can choose the way we want to perceive things, but sometimes its all part of our environment and culture. We can’t help it. All I’m saying is the next time you meet someone new, don’t let stereotypes bombard your way of thinking. Don’t let the perception of one type of humans affect your future perception of other fellow humans. Just like how we shouldn’t let our perception of beggars affect out perception of buskers.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
GTA 4 hits US$500 MILLION

That's S$690 million! That's so much more than any Hollywood movie has ever made!
For those who do not know, GTA is all about shooting people. Perfect for those days when you really can't stand you boss and you just want to "kill" him/her. Everyone has one of those days, it may not be your boss. It could be your friend, teacher, even pet, anything. Anything that just happens to get on your nerves!
I remember the last time I got that irritated, I walked around slamming whatever things I could slam. I slammed my bedroom door, my closet door, bathroom door. Basically I tried to vent by making as much noise as I could without actually screaming my lungs out. Now that I've confessed to it and I'm reading what I've just typed out, it sounds really stupid.
Now I turn to a new way of reliefing frustration. I read in an issue of Seventeen magazine that taking deep breathes helps. You inhale deeply and count to four, then you exhale slowly. Slowly reliefing all that anger. But I've come up with my own way too. I simply turn on the radio. Whatever song that's playing i just try and listen, and sing to it. Before you realize it you calm down. That always works for me. What works for you? Comment-on!
Courtesy of and
Thursday, May 15, 2008
communication 101
Hello people!
This is my communication 101 blog. Basically it's homework. However, this homework (blog) also happens to be my first b-l-o-g! So if this blog is dull, please understand my lack of IT skills. I don't believe in blogging because I feel it's a committment, and I'm not very good at that. Whenever you post something, people expect so much (that is if people even visit your blog). And when you don't post a new entry every other day, sooner or later your blog just "dies", tragically. Personally it's a chore, but this, I don't have a say. So here is my first blog. Who knows I may eventually get hooked into the blogging world! So comment-on and please don't let this blog die.
Pardon my irrelevant previous post, it was just something i had to say.
This is my communication 101 blog. Basically it's homework. However, this homework (blog) also happens to be my first b-l-o-g! So if this blog is dull, please understand my lack of IT skills. I don't believe in blogging because I feel it's a committment, and I'm not very good at that. Whenever you post something, people expect so much (that is if people even visit your blog). And when you don't post a new entry every other day, sooner or later your blog just "dies", tragically. Personally it's a chore, but this, I don't have a say. So here is my first blog. Who knows I may eventually get hooked into the blogging world! So comment-on and please don't let this blog die.
Pardon my irrelevant previous post, it was just something i had to say.
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